C0MPUT3R P$Y3NT0L0GY is a 6-step audit system to free the modern technoself from the current limits of consciousness. Participants advance through each step of the audit via a private viewing of virtual reality, net.art and other time-based media stations designed and commissioned by high level Computer P$yentologists. Each step will weed out potential trouble sources on the path to becoming an optimal virtual being and developing a healthy relationship with the impending singularity.

Step 1 :: How to Make Work Easier // Sean O’Neill

Step 2 :: Rise and Shine // Vidkidz

Step 3 :: Drowning in Spaces // Devvyn Rhodes

Step 4 :: Tender Mystic Hotline // Rachel Simone Weil

Step 5 :: The Hifi God // Jerome Morrison

Step 6 :: Server // Flatsitter